Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Making an Effort

In an effort to stir up some of my own creativity and give breath to a part of my brain that gets often ignored, I'm going to take a stab at updating my blog again.

I will be perfectly fine if nobody notices.

I just noticed my last blog entry was dated February 13, 2013.

Since then, I've entered a relationship, we live together and bake together and cook together and are silly together. Emotionally and spiritually I feel like I have that thing that nobody said existed. More about that in another post I think .

Since then, work has become very busy and I no longer have had the time to keep my exercise routine. I haven't been running in awhile. I don't like this. I like to be active. I have dreams about running. Then again, I have a lot of dreams. I remember at least one dream a night. I usually forget by the end of the day, but some memorable ones stick for years.

I spend so much time dealing with my day job (which has turned into a day and night job) that I feel like I don't have a whole lot left. I suspect that feeling is not accurate, in fact I'm counting on it.

This Friday I'm going to a Solstice celebration at the Universalist Church, and this Saturday I'm going to a Shamanic Solstice Blessing. I'm looking forward to the second one more than the first because I've been to that one before and I know what I'm in for, and it's awesome. Anything involving drumming resonates with me. I love that feeling when there is a huge room full of people drumming drums, and a heartbeat of sound emerges from the chaos. It feels like the string that connects us to the energy of All That Is.

I am going to make an effort to post in this thing each day, just to write something besides a Facebook status update.

Ciao for now.

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