I have long avoided Doctor Who. I like to leave the house, I like to get around, I like to see the sun. Granted I sit and watch Star Trek a lot at my computer, but I have seen all of those and they aren't making any more. I have always been loathe to get into a television show which has been on longer than I have been alive, because I fear never leaving the house.
Last weekend, Boyfriend-Dan and I were on an out of town trip. The television in the hotel room had numerous channels: Reality TV (puke), Fox News (really puke), Telemundo (Funny, but No Habla), and PBS. PBS was showing this really cool Robin Hood show from the BBC, which we caught the second half of. The next show to come on was Doctor Who. Okay, c'mon, how good could it really be? Certainly not good enough to cause me to become absolutely enamored with it after just one viewing... could it?
So we watched the whole thing. I watched it in silence and did not make any comments. An hour is a long time for me to shut up if I have ideas about things.
The show ended and the credits rolled. I said to Dan, "Oh noooo (Pause) Ohhh nooooo."
Dan said something to the effect of "What?"
I said, "That was really really good."
Dan was like, "So you're going to have to start watching Doctor Who now, aren't you."
After we got home, Dan had someplace to go and I was in the apartment all by myself. I found out that even though we don't subscribe to BBC America, I do get to stream the last year and a half's worth of Doctor Who episodes on Comcast's website (hooray! they are good for something!). Dan has been out of town, so I have had a fair amount of alone time without much in the way of personal commitments. I have, at present, watched all but two, including the new one that concludes next week. I wonder how long it will be before I can stream tomorrows new episode?
The thing that has really struck me is how different it is than I imagined it. Even having seen a few bits and pieces of a David Tennant episode at a friends house, my preconstructed notion of what kind of a show it was bore no resemblance to what kind of show it is. I knew about the Tardis, but I didn't know what it was, and I knew that it had to do with time travel, and that Tom Baker had a floppy hat, a multicolored scarf, and liked to offer people Jelly Babies (from a filk song that Doctor Demento used to play) but I didn't really know much past that. First of all, the writing is really really good. I had really truly forgotten what it was like to watch a show and have absolutely no idea how it was going to end. Even when I knew how it was going to end (I was able to stream David Tennant's last episode, so I knew he would regenerate) I still didn't know how they were going to get from point A to point B. It's funny without being a comedy. It's sad without being melodramatic. It's educational without being preachy. It's action packed without being unrealistic (by that I mean, there are no hulking beasty men having impromptu Tae Kwon Do matches to settle their differences.) And it's heroes are flawed.
I guess the show really is bigger in the inside than it is on the outside.
I've ordered all five Series on DVD (going back to the 9th Doctor, I'll fill out the classics later.) The eBay seller was in Minnesota, so I should have them tomorrow!