I like getting massages, possibly more than some people. Most massage therapists go out of their way to make their clients comfortable, even when in the buff, by allowing them to be covered with many luxurious blankets. It's normal to expect to be touched by a massage therapist. The same goes for manicurists. I fully expect physical contact during a manicure and a pedicure. (Even during a Yoga class, you might find the instructor asking permission to touch you so that they can move you into a correct posture.)
I am not a person who particularly cares to be touched by strangers for no good reason; in the above instances, there is a good reason and it is generally a favorable experience.
When I am at a restaurant, I do not expect the waitress to be patting me or rubbing me on the back when they are apologizing about something (something which I wasn't even aware was wrong.) Today at a new restaurant by my work, I ordered a salad. The waitress came out to tell me that they had messed up my salad by putting the dressing on the lettuce instead of on the side. I hadn't requested it on the side, but they were pretty hot and bothered about it, and they hadn't brought me the "defective salad" so I waited for the "non-defective" one. When the waitress brought out the salad, she patted me on the back (more of the circular rubbing motion) and the waitresses supervisor, when attempting to bring me additional dressing which I had not asked for, also patted me on the shoulder. (I refused the extra dressing.)
I am grateful that I was with several coworkers with whom I have worked for years now. If I had been alone, I probably would have blown up at the lady (those I was with probably would have given me crap for doing that). I don't care about the dressing, I wanted it on the salad anyways. I do care that the staff thought it was okay to keep patting me.
Honestly, the salad wasn't half bad, but I probably won't be going back there.
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