I don't look much like an athlete. I shop at plus sized clothing stores and I'm not showing any immediate signs of shrinking. I also am at the Y often enough to where there has been one time where my missing 3 classes in a row (due to a cold) had someone from the Y calling my cell phone to find out what was wrong. I spend a lot of time in the pool, I like to try new things, even if I never lose an ounce of fat doing this, I won't stop. I enjoy it too much It's good for my mental health, and according to my doctor, it makes me healthier than the "skinny couch potato."
Last fall, I decided to sign up for an indoor triathlon which was taking place in November. It seemed like something I could do - 600 yard swim, 10 mile stationary bike ride, 2 mile run. I had been running in the morning before work several times a week, anybody can operate a stationary bike, and I figured - how hard could swimming be? As an aside, I flunked swimming lessons when I was a kid, but I basically taught myself to swim well enough to save my life. When I decided that I was going to think about doing the triathlon in November, I went to the pool at the Y and decided to try to swim 12 laps. I made it to 10 and was worn out. The lifeguard told me that it was a good effort for not having done it before, and I decided to try again the next day. I made 12 laps that time. Still, I hadn't signed up for the tri. It was not when I signed up for that triathlon that I had committed to participate actually, it was when I took the bus to Dick's Sporting Goods and spent $90 on a swimsuit (a swimsuit which has long since been retired due to chlorine damage.)
I showed up at the Triathlon on November 14. A couple friend came to cheer for me, Boyfriend Dan had to work (he has actually missed them all, but I think he would just make me nervous anyways). I came in last. I was pretty jazzed to have finished though.
February 13 was the Winter Indoor Triathlon. I was, as I told several people, "grievously unprepared." I had not done any running to speak of because I don't like treadmills and it was too cold/icy for a novice runner like me to run outside. As for not getting to the indoor track at the Midtown Y? Yeah I was a slacker on that. I showed up though, and even got a friend to participate with me. I came in last again, and my time was about a minute slower than my first outing. Everyone told me that finishing is important, and I do understand that, but it kind of sucked to come in last.
April 3, 2011. I was more prepared for this Triathlon. I had taken to 26 lap drills in the pool at the Y before Water Aerobics, I did more exercise in the upstairs gym, and I just was more conscious of it. I had a strategy for the run. I'm a slow runner, and in the prior Tri, I had run slow the whole time. I decided to speed up for short bursts when I was able. This worked out fine, I didn't tire out any more than I would have without doing it, and I am pretty sure it is what contributed to my having beaten both of my prior times.
Finishing a third Triathlon meant that I got a free sweatshirt, and that I got to bask in the glory of finishing. That really is an important thing, but I had the greatest feeling when I opened my email today and read the results of the race.
I did not come in last.
I'm impressed. I don't think I could do that.