Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This is a status report.

So this is what I looked like in 2005 (late 2005 I think)

I honestly have no idea how much I weighed because I wasn't particularly friendly with a scale. Actually I still don'y own one but this was before I joined the Y and had access to a scale.

This is me right now (2011). Since my 2010 doctors appointment, I've lost 67 lbs. I have done this by counting every damn calorie that I eat. I am running up to 8.75 miles in one trip, continuing to go to the Y, and walking whenever weather or time permits.

I am not using any crash diet. I am not taking supplements. I am not giving my attention to any fad television shows which show people losing weight at an unhealthy and potentially harmful rate, which in turn validates eating disorders amongst the viewing public. I am not beating myself up if I have a week where I lose less than I wanted to, and I am not slowing down anytime soon. I don't own a scale, I weigh myself at the Y once a week. That's really all that anyone needs to do. Any more than that is obsessing.... I suppose if I had a scale at home I could weigh my cat, but really, I already know he's huge.

I am signed up for a 5K on 10/29/2011 and another Indoor Triathlon on 11/6/2011. I am not "training." I don't even know what "training" really means. I am not doing a prescribed set of exercises because someone says they are the way to prepare. I am not interested in doing a marathon. I am exercising every day, and trying to keep it interesting. If that means going on longer runs like the 8.75 mile course that takes me from home, around two lakes, and back again, then that is what it means. If it means going to the Midtown YWCA and running 36 laps (6 miles) on the indoor track, then it's all good. If that means swimming, water aerobics, elliptical machine, Walk Away the Pounds DVD (which is great when you live on the top floor - no bouncing!), Yoga DVD, walking around the mall a million times, hiking, skiing, canoodling, then it's all good! My only goal is to feel good, burn calories, be awesome - in no particular order.

As of today: 67 lbs down 39 to go.

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