Wednesday, June 20, 2012

On Sleep and the Summer Solstice

This is that beautiful time of year when, at least as far north as Minnesota, it stays light out until almost 10:00PM and gets light out before 5:00AM. For people like me who rise pretty early, it can be a bit difficult to get to sleep - I think many of us are naturally conditioned to prefer sleeping in the dark. It is nice, however when I want to go for a run exceptionally early in the morning. I am strongly considering getting up at 4:30 tomorrow morning to run AND make it into the office on time.

I have one of those little pillow thingies that you can put over your eyes in order to block out light. It doesn't block out the life force energy that is inherrent in a city still awake, however. I don't think you need to be able to see in order to perceive that. The funny thing is, New York City expresses that kind of energy 24/7 and I didn't have any trouble sleeping there. Perhaps it's because the energy has just sort of resigned itself to it's own constant nature, which releases people into their preferred routines without having to pay any tribute. When I can't sleep, my 25 pound cat will lay down on me to keep me from tossing and turning. It's just something he sort of automatically does.

It is, of course, the summer solstice today. The longest day of the year. So it only gets better from here on out. My Pagan nature is of course interested in committing to some sort of celebratory action, but I have also kind of adopted a spiritual world-view that emphasizes the importance of each breath of each day of the year having equal spiritual importance, so it doesn't bother me much that it's just another day.

I am presently operating on copious amounts of caffeine.

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