Sunday, June 24, 2012

Be Good or Be Convenient?

So I am in a bit of a self-imposed quandry. 

When I moved into my new place, I left the coffee maker behind. This time of year, I'm not huge on hot coffee, so it didn't seem like a big deal. (Besides, it was a $14 Wal Mart coffee maker.)

Since moving, I have become far more contentious about recycling. I've found that far more than half of my trash can go into the recycle bin. I've discovered also that even though I have an Air Conditioner, because the apartment is so small, I don't really need to use it for more than 10-15 minutes at a time if it is really murderously hot inside. 

Since I already don't own a car, I think that I probably have a teeny tiny carbon footprint. That's good!

I am considering buying a Keurig Coffee machine. 

Problem: you cannot recycle the K-Cups. But it's so convenient, brew one cup of coffee at a time! Brew different flavors! You can even do hot chocolate or tea! It's great! But you cannot recycle the K-Cups. 

The Keurig corporation seems to have a focus on social responsibility - - it looks like there may be some options in the future... and the cardboard box the K-Cups come in *is* recyclable. 

The sticking point: I really want one, and I can afford it. 

The way my mind works is that I do get "being good" points for the recycling I'm already doing, rarely running my Air Conditioner, and not driving. Therefore, there is a very good chance that I will be getting a Keurig machine.

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