I went to two Winter Solstice celebrations this year.
On Friday December 19, I went to the Solstice Service at the Universalist Church. They told a story of The Sun Cow and the Thief. The only reference to it I could find online was at this link, which is the transcript of a sermon given at a Unitarian/Universalist church at some point: http://uubedford.org/spirituality/sermons/815-qeverywhere-there-is-lightq-or-qlet-go-of-the-cowq.html The story was told with an impressive mask on the person playing the thief. The Sun Cow was a cardboard cutout. The service included singing, a 12 minute meditation in the darkness, and then a big sun made of twinkle lights.
On Saturday December 20, I went to a Shamanic Winter Solstice Blessing which is put on every year by Jaime Meyer. http://www.drummingthesoulawake.com/12th-annual-winter-solstice-blessing.html I've been before and will go again. I brought my drum and drummed along with all the drumming drummers, and experienced a trip into a sacred space. I also bought some delicious toffee from a vendor who was set up there. (http://www.wintergoddessfoods.com/) I have plans to go to one of Jamie Meyer's drum circles, since I discovered that they are in the neighborhood once a month.
In a completely and utterly different vein of things, I'm currently giving Mind Bomb by The The a re-listen, since it blew my mind when I was a teenager. I still think it's a great record.
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