Something that I have learned about owning a cat (having a cat own you) is that the position in which you ultimately fall asleep at night is often governed by the moment at which the cat decides to fall asleep on you.
Another thing I have learned is that since I have lost weight (77 pounds now, 29 to go) I have not had heartburn. I used to get it all the time. Is it the loss of weight or the avoidance of fried foods? I guess I'll never know, but I'm also not going to question it. I rarely get back pain (unless I oversleep. That's been consistent throughout my life though - sleep more than 8 hours, wake up with lower back pain that goes away pretty quickly.
In a semi related story, since I paid attention from a free little tip from a swim instructor at the Y and changed my stroke just slightly, my recurring shoulder pain has almost vanished. I still get regular massages. I think everyone should. I got one to reward myself for doing the Monster Dash and the YWCA Indoor Tri, which I finished 10 minutes faster than last year. I am signed up for the next one in January.